A non snapshot release should be really stable and hence be better tested than a snapshot release. Execute the next steps in order to create a non snapshot release.
Create a snapshot release as described here. We now know for sure that the latest snapshot release is equal to the non snapshot version, that is about to be created.
Make sure that your josef directory is the current directory.
Execute: mvn clean install
Correct any errors and repeat until this command finishes successfully.
Deploy the josef-demo-web-primefaces war to TomCat from within Eclipse. After opening eclipse make sure to update all maven projects. Make sure that the TomCat directory does not contain old jar files. ...\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\wtpwebapps\josef-demo-web-primefaces\WEB-INF\lib
Now use FireFox to test with the Selenium IDE. There are four testSuite.html files that need to be executed in this order: smoke, converter, validator and component.
Create an svn tag on all josef modules..
Right mouse click on projects\josef\j2ee6 directory
To url: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/josef/code/tags/josef-3.0.x
Where x has to be replaced with the latest version number.
For a non snapshot release, you may want to update the Josef site maintained at sourceforge.
For starters, upload the jars. When you are logged in, you can use this link:
Secondly, update the Site with reports and api doc by executing: mvn clean site:site
and then mvn site:deploy
Note that this requires an active shell. For windows users this can be set up with PuTTY.