The createDecimalFormat(Locale, String) method created a NumberFormat object that was only suitable for parsing Integers.
The existing parseDecimal(String) method does NOT accept an exponent in the input anymore.
Previously this method would happily parse 2E34 as valid input.
Should you want to parse a decimal value with an exponent, then please use the new
parseDecimalAcceptingAnExponent(final String decimalNumber) method.
Another new method parseDecimal(String decimalNumber, String pattern) has been added.
You can use this method to use your own pattern for parsing decimal numbers.
Note that its use is limited as this method will parse a value of 12345 with a pattern of "#".
It will properly take care of parsing decimal numbers with or without grouping symbols
in either the decimal number of the pattern.
The test code has been adapted as well.
Now contains a property named nullable.
The order in which the members are added in the toString() method have changed. precision is now used before scale,
which is more logical.
Now contains a referencedTableName and referenceColumns that can be used in combination with foreign keys.
Corrected problems with width, scale and precision.
Meta data contains a scale and precision but the Column class uses a width for character columns
and a scale and precision for numeric fields.
Added a getConstraints and getActualConstraints method.
Implemented the new getActualConstraint(s) methods by always throwing an UnsupportedOperationException.
Added the getActualConstraints method.
The existing getActualConstraint method now also reads referential integrity data.
UK sort code files have been upgraded to the 2017-06-12 version.
OracleDatabase did not fetch the primary keys of a table.
Now contains a new method to get a new sequential ID and then reserve a number of other id's.
So when you know in advance how many id's of a certain sequence you're going to need, you can reserve them all in a single transaction.
The signature of the new method is:
public long fetchNextSequentialID(final String sequenceName, final int numberOfIds)
Corrected uploading of sources jar and javadoc jar. Using the deploy phase did not work. Now uses the pacakage phase instead, causing these artefact to always be built.
Improved the way source and javadoc jars are created. These tasks are now only executed when deploying to nexus.
First attempt of creating source and javadoc api.
Updated with the latest information from here:
Changed enum name from CZECH_REPUBLIC to CZECHIA.
This caused changes in other files using this enum.
Changed the type of the code field from an Object to a Serializable.
Restored the German translations.
Updated the description of the country with code 'CZ'.
The UK sort codes were not properly read from the sort codes text file!
Notice that this does not influence the validity of sort code/bank account
combinations, only the determination of what sort code belongs to what bank fails.
Merged a lot of changes from trunk.
Added this new security package, containing code for hashing.
Renamed getDatabase to getDatabaseType and added a new getApplicationServerUrl method.
Added new methods to output formatted HTML.
Changed return value of some methods to allow for better chaining.
Renamed the methods that added a header column.
Now supports all HTML 5 tags.
Added constants for stuff like number of bytes in a mega byte.
Added function to convert a byte to two hexadecimal characters.
Added a method to perform a case insensitive comparison on description.
Renamed this file so the log4j2 configuration won't be picked up automatically.
This should help other programs that use Josef to supply their own configuration file.
Updated the check on sortcode/bankaccount to ignore exceptions and to execute
the second algorithm in case the first one fails.
The different sort codes, and sort code ranges are update to 2016-06-13.
All unit tests from the source document are added.
Exceptions 1 and 5 have been implmented.
Now uses Strings instead of Integers.
Switched to using Log4J version 2.
Is now thread safe.
As a result the test can now be run in the same vm (reuseForks) setting in the pom.xml file.
When the client accepted compression but the response was below the threshold,
the response was output twice!
Thanks to Gert Jan for writing a unit test for this case.
I added unit tests for all other combinations of compression and response size.
Added this class that supports compressing responses.
It can be used to compress html/xml/jsf output.
Use it to compress the output of web/rest services.
Just add the next lines to your web.xml file.
<filter> <filter-name>GZipFilter</filter-name> <filter-class>org.josef.web.servlet.GZipFilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>threshold</param-name> <param-value>2048</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>GZipFilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping>
This code will compress all responses larger than 2K.
Corrected a problem where an incorrect year was shown with a thousand separator.
Added a method to parse a date using a pattern.
Previously the method parseDateTime(...) had to be used to parse a date with a pattern.
When parsing a date, the resulting year must have a length of 4 digits.
Previously dates like: 1/1/015 and 1/1/20015 would simply be accepted.
Note: In some programs you may need to parse such dates and this can be done by
calling setFourDigitYear(false) on your formatter.
Added some new factory methods (that were moved from the Formatter class).
The rule is that if a formatter needs a patter of some kind, then
FormatterFactory can create it for you.
Now properly rounds integers (provided the latest jdk is used).
Changed English description of: BQ=Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, as suggested by ISO3166 committee.
Added some classes from the trunk to aid in writing html code from a servlet for example.
Josef now has two ways to write html code.
1) AbstractHtmlWriter/HtmlStringWriter
2) HtmlElement/HtmlAttribute/HtmlTable/HtmlRow
1) Is for simple sequential output only.
2) Is for more complicated output where you create a kind of DOM tree.
For example:
HtmlElement root = new HtmlElement();
Will create the following structure:
<html> <head> </head> <body> </body> </html>
You can easily add other elements with attributes and or content to this tree and then convert the tree to html.
Lots of changes were merged from the trunk. In the trunk changes were made to be able to run a mvn site command.
Some error were corrected here, related to Israel, Italy and Chaad.
Some had incorrect codes and they have been fixed now.
Introduced this new class which contains all parameter names of methods from the util package,
that are used in a CDebug.checkParameter...(...) statement.
Usage of this class voids duplicate strings.
The parseDecimal method did not add a message when group separators were used incorrectly.
An empty message was returned in the InvalidArgumentException.
The parseDateTime(String, String) method now correctly parses short date/times and date only input.
Now contains a new createDateFormat method that is now used by:
formatDate(final Date date, final String pattern).
Previously the formatDate used a standard SimpleDateFormat object that did not take
localized pattern characters into account, resulting in an exception,
stating that 'jjjj' is not a valid pattern character.
Added a new resource bundle key to get a localized pattern for a date/time that includes hours, minutes and seconds. Corrected an error in the Dutch localized pattern characters that caused milliseconds to be displayed instead of the number of seconds.
Instead of the "old" IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException and
NoSuchMethodException the more generic ReflectiveOperationException is used.
This results in cleaner code.
New class that lets you build a query string from name/value pairs.
Now properly decodes query string parameters.
The method getQueryStringParameters(String) now accepts a query string instead of a url.
To get the query string, just use: getQueryString(final String url).
Are now both localizable.
When passed as a method argument to Formatter.format(...), an exception will
now at least use the proper locale for translation.
Will now parse date/times using both the standard and short pattern.
It also will accept a date only, using 00:00 as the time.
So this is valid: 01012001 1123, 01/01/2001 11:23 or 01012001
Added a new createDefaultShortDateTimeFormat method.
Properties were already in place.
Removed createCommaSeparatedValues and quoteSqlValue methods as they were already present in SqlStatementUtil.
Slightly adjusted the quoteSqlValue method to take dates into account.
org.josef.jdbc.Constraint (was ConstraintVO in jxpfw)
Moved these classes from jxpfw to Josef.
Changed some countries due to ISO updates.
UNITED_STATES for example was changed to UNITED_STATES_OF_AMERICA.
Dropped this class since the target jar contains the pom.xml file,
which in turn contains the version information.
Added a compareStringsIgnoringCase method from jxpfw's AbstractComparator.
Moved from jxpfw.
These classes were moved from jxpfw.
Updated the different WebLogic versions.
CResourceBundle should now work with resource bundle names (Strings),
even when they are passed in from a class that uses a class loader different from
Josef's CResourceBundle class loader.
Now has a new getCallingClass() method.
New class that is used in testing CResourceBundle with different class loaders.
You may want to use this class for unit testing as well.
ClassUtil now has a new getClassLoaderOfCallingClass() method.
Should now work with resource bundle names (Strings) even when they are passed
in from a class that uses a class loader different from Josef's CResourceBundle
class loader.
Moved the getString(String, String, Object []) method to:
getMessage(String, Object...). This getMessage is now the only method that
formats its message arguments.
The getString(String) and getString(String, String) simply return a String,
without looking at {0} parameters to substitute.
The format method now accepts an empty messagePattern since this is often used in properties files.
For example: suffix=
This indicates an empty suffix which should just be accepted.
Previously this resulted in an exception.
Added extra constructor to be backwards compatible with jxpfw.
Moved from jxpfw.
formatDateTime(Date, String pattern) did not use the:
FormatterFactory.createDateTimeFormat(...) method so it did not allow for localized patterns.
Now extends InvalidArgumentException.
Not because this is a good idea but since this was the structure in jxpfw.
Keep in mind that InvalidStateException should be used when validating an
object containing multiple attributes and InvalidArgumentException should be
used when a single argument is incorrect.
Now disallows incorrect placing of grouping separators.
Previously a"n English value of "1.1" or a Dutch value of "1,1" resulted in a value of "11".
Additionally the formatted result of a decimal now contains the grouping separator when applicable.
Note: This requires just a little bit of extra space in the GUI.
Changed CAPE_VERDE to CABO_VERDE as required by ISO 3166 standards.
This forced me to change other classes that used this enumeration as well.
Added this class to check whether a country supports IBAN payments or not.
Usage: IbanOfCountry.valueOf(Iso3166Country.BELGIUM);
This either returns the IbanOfCountry instance or null when the country does not support IBAN payments.
Now contains the following methods: encode, createCommaSeparatedValues and quoteSqlValue.
The encode method can be used on individual columns to prevent SQL injection.
Note: This is only applicable to creating your own dynamic SQL statements.
Preferably use SQL bind parameters which are inherently safe.
Added a parseDateTime method that accepts a pattern.
This pattern can either be a non localized pattern like: dd-MM-yyy hh:mm,
but it can also be a localized pattern like: dd-mm-jjjj UU:MM for example.
See: Formatter*.properies for the allowable characters in a localized pattern for a particular locale.
The FormatterFactory class is responsible for creating the SimpleDateFormat.
Contained a bug where some values where accepted instead of being rejected.
Due to the fact that the method: fromUnmaskedValue did not check whether a character
was valid for the corresponding mask character.
Added a method to get the unmasked value from a masked value.
Added a method to get the masked value from the unmasked value.
These methods aid in converting a String to and from a zip code without using a JSF converter.
Added a constructor that accepts a resource bundle name as it's only parameter.
This name is converted to a ResourceBundle and then added to the list of ResourceBundles.
This new constructor should aid in removing CResourceBunlde from jxpfw.
Maintained the convenience methods for a simple marshal/unmarshal.
For more complex situations the MarshallParameters and UnmarshallParameters classes must be used.
See javadoc for proper usage.
The parameter classes support escaping/unescaping of xml and attributes for example.
Since the parameter classes are besed upon the builder pattern,
they can easily be enhanced to support other options.
By default marshalling and unmarshalling escapes.
Extra methods have been added to avoid escaping/unescaping.
Now only support accounts containing 6 to 8 digits.
Previously UK Bank Account Numbers could contain 9 or 10 digits as well.
The problem is that BACS can only work with 8 digit bank account numbers.
Did not handle a valid combination of language and variant, that is without a country.
For example: "nl__linux".
Created this new interface which is implemented by LocalizableEnumeration.
The formatter class now formats and localizes arguments of type Localizable.
Moved to m2eclipse. This is work in progress but in the near future, ant files and possibly maven eclipse support will be dropped. Currently all .settings, .project and .classpath files and directories have been removed from subversion, so the choice for m2eclipse is quite definitive.
Effectively did not cache at all.
This has now been solved.
Instead of a time zone offset, the actual time zone text is used.
This should solve the problems with DST (daylight savings time).
Now correctly uses a time zone to format the combination of a date and time.
The createDefaultDateTimeFormat now accepts a time zone.
When you use this method and don't need a time zone, please pass:
TimeZone.getDefault() as a parameter.
Added missing NationalityType properties for portal team.
In the future org.josef.util.Nationality should be used.
Added this new servlet based filter to encode request parameters.
Birt 4.2.1 for example does not encode its report parameters, making it
vulnerable to client side attacks.
Added NationalityType for portal team.
This solves a circular dependency.
Added new getMaximumDayOfYear(int year) method as suggested by Pieter.
Renamed from NationalityOfCountry.
This class is nowhere near being finished.
Added another constructor accepting a Charset as suggested by Maarten van Steenbergen.
Added a round method to round on tens, hundreds, thousands et cetera.
Added a round method to round numbers up.
Now correctly accepts a Dutch Social Security Number (Burger Service Nummer) of 8 digits.
Previously a leading zero digit had to be supplied by the user.
Added support for a lot more countries.
Added a set of countries that do not use zip codes.
The valueOf(Iso3166Country) method does not throw an IllegalArgumentException anymore.
Instead null is returned for countries that do not use zip codes and
UNKNOWN_ZIP_CODE_OF_COUNTRY is returned for a country that does use zip codes,
but Josef does not support them yet.
Solved StringIndexOutOfBoundsException at UKBankAccountNumber's createEightDigitBankAccountNumber method.
Fixed NPE.
The isToStringOverridden method now actually checks, using reflection,
of the toString() method has been overridden or not.
Previously the result of calling toString() was parsed to determine whether toString was overridden.
Added an isEqual(Object, Object) method.
In the process some classes were changed to use this new method.
All three classes read a text file using class.getResource.
This works fine when Josef is used stand alone but fails when josef is packaged in a jar
and this jar in turn is placed in WEB-INF\lib to be part of a larger project.
The solution was to use class.getResourceAsStream instead.
Added a separate public static method to verify the bank account number only.
That is to say: without the sort code.
In getDescripiton(...), a test is added to determine if the supplied constant is a LocalizableEnumeration.
When this is the case, the getCode() method is used on this constant to determine the resource bundle's key,
instead of using the name of the enumerated constant.
Caching the initial context caused problems with rest services.
It looked like the portal user was used in the context instead of the user
mentioned in the file.
Dropping this cache solved the problem.
Since this cache is only used for the first lookup, the performance penalty should be minimal.
Added Since the date pattern for the UK is different from the US. The UK uses dd/MM/yyyy instead of MM/dd/yyyy which is used in the US.
Switched to openjpa version 2.2.1.
This existing class can be used to process command line arguments in a new way.
This class has been revamped totally.
The Argument and Arguments classes in the same package are dropped.
Reflection made these classes obsolete.
Now also handles options taking multiple arguments and verifies that mandatory options
contain their mandatory arguments.
The javadoc now describes the usage of this class.
New utility class that groups HttpStatus codes. Used in REST services for example.
Switched back to using openjpa since other projects depending upon Josef excluded Josef's dependency upon the open jpa libraries.
Now depends upon openjpa-all instead of openjpa. This change was made since other projects depending upon Josef use this artifact as well and this prevents two openjpa libraries to occur in ear files et cetera.
Now depends upon JPA 2.2.1
Added a new method useDefaultValueWhenValueIsNull(value, defaultValue) that
returns the defaultValue when the supplied value is null, otherwise it returns the value.
Can be used in situations where the data of one object is copied into another object
and you don't want to either clutter your code with lots of if statements
or with separate methods for each setter.
Updated to reflect jxpfw's structure.
New class that maps one enumeration to another enumeration and vice versa.
New class by Rens, that maps one enumeration to another enumeration and vice versa.
Added a new AbstractHtmlWriter class and a concrete HtmlStringWriter implementation.
Added a new HtmlTag class containing html tag constants to avoid String
duplication in classes that generate html.
Added a new HtmlTag class containing html tag constants to avoid String
duplication in classes that generate html.
Added a new org.josef.util.xml.XmlReader utility class to read xml data from both a file and an InputStream.
Added a new org.josef.webQueryStringUtil class to process query strings. Use this class to get the query string from a url and to add query string parameters to a url.