Configure josef

Before you can build josef, you will have to configure it (do some initial set up). Please execute the following steps in the supplied order.

Install a JDK

Josef uses JDK 1.8 so install the latest JDK 1.8 version.

Install Maven

Maven is used to build josef from the command line. To create this document I used maven 3.3.9.

Configuring Open JPA

Since josef uses jpa, jpa needs to be configured. Change directory to: josef-demo-jpa/src/main/resources/META-INF and copy the file persistence.local to persistence.xml
This should be enough to create a build (without unit tests). When you want to run the unit tests, make sure to change the content of the persistence.xml file, so it matches your

Creating a build without unit tests

You should now be able to build all josef modules but you won't be able to run unit tests until you have configured a database.

Configuring a database server

Out-of-the-box, josef supports two database servers:

  1. Derby
  2. Oracle